Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What are the characterisitcs or ingredients in a hair product that promote THICK HAIR?

My hair is average thickness, but I love the look of really thick hair. I'm looking into some hair products (not too expensive, and I'm liking Aussie a lot by the way) and I'm wondering what things in a product promote healthy and THICK hair? Is there are certain ingredient? Do leave-in conditioners help? Anything? Thanks!What are the characterisitcs or ingredients in a hair product that promote THICK HAIR?
i have naturally really thick hair and i hate it, it take forever to curl and style.

BUT my friend wanted thick hair and she put olive oil in her hair and slept with it and washed it out in the morning everyday and she said it really worked. if you dont believe me google ';olive oil for the hair'; or something like that. trust me this works better that products.What are the characterisitcs or ingredients in a hair product that promote THICK HAIR?
hair product companies will pretend that a certain shampoo, conditioner, or treatment will help you to grow thicker hair just so they can make money through the sales of their product, but the truth is, your hair won't get any thicker than it's natural potential of thickness.

if you want your hair to be stronger, healthier, softer, to reach the maximum potential of it's natural thickness, or to feel or appear thicker, i recommend the same thing i use: horse hair conditioner.

mane 'n tail is a very good product for this.

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