Monday, January 23, 2012

Is there a hair product somewhere that can keep your mustache looking like Billy Dee William's stache?

I woke up a few nights ago and when I looked at my stache in the mirror I noticed it looked very similar to Billy Dee William's, the next morning it looked boring again. But this morning it looked like Landos again how do I keep it this way?Is there a hair product somewhere that can keep your mustache looking like Billy Dee William's stache?
If you ';Hand Solo'; your Strom Trooper marching (or Light Sabre) you can shoot some Yoda on itIs there a hair product somewhere that can keep your mustache looking like Billy Dee William's stache?
30 weight motor oil.
Ear wax.
poeple are gonna hate me for this, but i like hitler's mustache the most

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