Monday, January 23, 2012

Is there a hair product or natural oil, something that can help hair to grow faster?

i have shoulder length hair right now and i can never get it past that length! i would like to grow it half way down my back with layers. is there something i can do to promote fast healthy growth?Is there a hair product or natural oil, something that can help hair to grow faster?
no there is nothing that can make your hair grow faster, no matter what they say. i know there are things you can put in it to make it grow healthier but nothing to get it to grow faster.Is there a hair product or natural oil, something that can help hair to grow faster?
Funny, there is

Its an oil used by geishas and they sell it on this site -

They also have a lash lengthener!

Anyhow the hairgrowth oil worked for me, made hair longer and seems stronger. Also the hairloss postbaby has slowed up
If you put honey and olive oil in your hair as a pre-conditioner it helps my hair grew so fast
You can make up a face mask for your hair, it involves

1 mashed banana

coconut oil

and a little honey, this will make your hair stronger and healthier

For growth try eating jelotin, (jelly before you dilute it down) a cube a day will encourage good hair and nail growth
i heard that if you put mayoinase in your hair it makes your hair grow faster also vitamins help
Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c for more details.

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